Hunger Cure
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Fresh Food Made to Order
Hunger Cure is the registered trade mark of the firm M/s Hungercure serving quality food since
1982. Co-owned by 3 Gandhi brother , Hunger Cure has stretched itself to NCR keeping their
mother base Faridabad (Haryana)
They brought in some innovative reciepes which are keeping the taste buds of there customer's
always tingling and alive. Never afarid of expermenting with the fundamental of authentic Continental and Chinese cuisine they did added their portion of salt just to enrich
and enhance the quality of the product.
Hunger Cure constantly strives to develop products that suit the tastes of their consumers and hence delighting them. Further providing value for money and affordable products to their consumers has been an important part of their efforts. That’s why, all their efforts, whether it is a new innovation in vegitarian menu and delicious non vegetarain indian cuisine in itself is a great success story.